This Filipino vampire film co-directed by Peque Gallaga and Lore Reyes tells the story of an aswang, the traditional shape-shifting creature of local legend. Here, the vampire makes appearances as a giant snake, a young woman (Alma Moreno), and a withered old hag (Lilia Cuntapay). The aswang has a lengthy cinematic history, having been the subject of the first sound film ever produced in the Philippines (1932's Ang Aswang) and migrating, in somewhat altered form, to films in Hong Kong, India, Japan, and, in 1994, to the United States. Aiza Seguerra co-stars with Janice de Belen, Aljon Jimenez, John Estrada, and Alma Moreno.
as Aswang
as Veron
as Rosita
as Catlyn
as Dudoy
as Emil
as Edgar
as Dr. Abraham
as Patrick
as Jason
as Nato
as Morris
as Bining
as Mrs. Lorenzo
as Mr. Lorenzo
as Lola
as Old Aswang
as Armand
as Edison
as Mar
as CP4 Melchor
as PO2 Baltazar
as PO3 Gaspar