"Guy in Row Five" is a comedy about a dreamer named Thess who moves to Hollywood to become a star. He lands a job as an extra on the hit TV series "Rodeo Nights". After pestering his way in to an audition for the show's new series regular, he is so convinced that he booked the role that he decides to document his last day of being a struggling actor.
as Thess
as Rose
as Dean
as Sarah
as Billy
as Bradley
as Jade
as Simon
as Kate
as Scotty G.
as Tony
as Nicole
as Larry
as Larry's Partner
as Lyric
as Sal
as Jenni
as Kevin
as Thess' Mom
as Doris
as Brian
as Barbara
as Shane
as Joeley
as Good Looking Guy
as New Extra
as Homeless Drunk
as Tattoo Guy
as Female Extra 2
as Young Thess