The story revolves around 3 best of friends. Kara, the cosplayer and online retailer. George the boyish football wannabe, Enzo, the Mr. Fix-It
as Kara / SuperGirl
as Enzo
as George
as Jepoy
as Chloe
as Jess
as Robin / Colossus
as Ashlee
as Diego
as Christian
as Caitlin
as Coach
as Maddie
as Luisa
as Anna
as Mom of George
as Sherrie
as Daddy of Ashlee
as Ridgeview Student
as Herself
as Mang Fabian
as Himself
as Herself
as Chauffeur of Chloe's Aunt
as Auntie of Chloe
as Himself
as Himself
as Herself
as Girl playing billiards
as Girl playing billiards
as Herself - Cosplayer
as Cosplayer