“Love Wine” is a lighthearted, romantic comedy set in the vineyards of Pelee Island. Bridget Love has just inherited the family wine business after the untimely death of her Aunt and Uncle. The secret to her family’s success stems from a legend that the “Love family” does, in fact, make love in a vat of grapes during the first harvest. With only ten days till harvest, the media circus is heightened and men converge on the island to become Bridget’s Wine King! Will Bridget find true love and continue the “ritual”?
as Paul
as Bridget Love
as Melaney
as Grandma Love
as Richard
as Mrs. Bentley
as Monica
as Zeke
as Charlie
as Mr. Williams
as Mr. Johnson
as Carl
as Betty
as Thelma
as Cheryl
as Helen
as Young Bridget
as Young Carl