In the wake of the devastating war against the RDA and the loss of their eldest son, Jake Sully and Neytiri face a new threat on Pandora: the Ash People, a violent and power-hungry Na'vi tribe led by the ruthless Varang. Jake's family must fight for their survival and the future of Pandora in a conflict that pushes them to their emotional and physical limits.
as Jake Sully
as Neytiri
as Kiri
as Colonel Miles Quaritch
as Ronal
as Tonowari
as Varang
as Miles 'Spider' Socorro
as Lo'ak
as Tuktirey 'Tuk'
as Tsireya
as Peylak
as Norm Spellman
as Mo'at
as General Ardmore
as Dr. Ian Garvin
as Parker Selfridge
as Mick Scoresby
as Aonung
as Corporal Lyle Wainfleet
as Rotxo
as Young Neteyam