A costumed film featuring the famous hero of Japanese history, Isshin Tasuke, arranged in the form of a popular song.
as 一心太助・徳川家光
as お仲
as 新八
as お美代
as お夏
as 笹尾喜内
as 金太
as 千吉
as 弥七
as 松前屋五郎蔵
as 源兵衛
as 清吉
as 与吉
as 加賀爪甚十郎
as 伊藤軍兵衛
as 寅吉
as 豚松
as 兼松又四郎
as 徳山五兵衛
as 阿部四郎五郎
as お豊
as 網元
as 医者(Doctor)