Four dedicated housewives - Shivangi, Mansi, Neha, and Sakhina, whose lives revolve only around their husband and family, decide to escape the suffocating routine life by traveling to Goa for a few days to live life on their terms. They have no idea that their vacation will lead to a series of life-changing events.
as Shivangi
as Mansi
as Neha
as Sakina
as Madhukar Rane
as DCP Mohite
as Ashish (Mansi's Husband)
as Alisha Cresta
as Murad (Sakina's Husband)
as Shivangi's Saas
as Dinesh Shukla (Shivangi's Husband)
as Rajeev (Neha's Husband)
as News Anchor
as Tanya
as Shivangi's Daughter
as Sumitra (Neha's Mother)