In post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, an evil pack of outlaws is systematically turning civilians into prisoners and slaves. Worse yet, the spread of a terrifying deadly flesh-eating virus threatens to destroy all of humanity. As good and evil ferociously battle for power and control, three heroes race against time to find the cure for the virus... before it's too late.
as Jared
as Derek
as Alexis
as Lucifer
as Dr. Adams
as Officer Dunn
as Officer Harris
as Mary Anne Adams
as Aniko
as Sarah
as Angie
as Damien
as Hellion
as Angel
as Gangreen
as Elisha
as Gina
as Isa
as Roach
as Sgt. Richards
as Officer Crowder
as Alison Adams
as Newscaster
as Slime
as Jonathan
as Fighter (uncredited)
as Gang Member (uncredited)
as Fighter (uncredited)
as Ganglander (uncredited)
as Joey