The pilot for the television series, "The Defenders." The story of Walter and Kenneth Pearson, a father-and-son legal team. Broadcast as two segments of "Studio One," the story relates how the Pearsons defend a young man accused of killing a woman during a robbery attempt.
as Walter Preston
as Francis Toohey
as Joseph Gordon
as Mrs. Gordon
as Kenneth Preston
as Judge Marsala
as Dr. Victor Wallach
as First Guard
as Court Clerk
as Seymour Miller
as First Reporter
as Betsy Fuller
as 2nd Guard
as Peter D'Agostino
as Norma Lane
as Mary Ellen Bailey
as Dr. Horace Bell
as Sergeant James Sheeley
as Self / Commercial Spokeswoman
as Courtroom Observer
as Courtroom Spectator
as Juror (uncredited)
as Trial Spectator (uncredited)
as Anthony Carmonada (uncredited)