The film follows Etienne, a 40-year-old car designer, who takes time off from work to study sexual mastery from a Zen master and several prostitutes, in the hopes of having the sexual skill to impress Laure. Laure, a blonde who was introduced to him by his friend Jacques, told Etienne on January 1 that she will not have sex with him until May 27 that year at precisely 9 PM.
as Étienne
as Laure
as Jacques
as Maître Zen
as Monsieur Hubert
as Alice
as Juliette
as Mme Ackermann
as Mr. Ackermann
as Daniel
as Pépionakis, the waiter (as Joël Joseph Barbouth)
as Gym instructor
as Real estate agent
as Sex-shop seller
as Taxi driver
as Lulu
as Lola
as Alice's secretary