Based on the true story of Matthew Winkler, a beloved minister who, in 2006, was found shot and killed in his Selmer, Tennessee home, his wife and young daughters missing. Authorities soon zeroed in on Matthew's wife, Mary, as the prime suspect in the murder. After her capture, the residents of Selmer were left to wonder what would drive Mary to shoot her husband in the back as he slept. They would get their answers during her trial, when what went on behind the closed doors of this seemingly perfect family was revealed for all to see.
as Mary Winkler
as Steve Farese Sr.
as Hannah Winkler
as Emily Winkler
as Dan Winkler
as Dr. Lynn Zager
as Matthew Winkler
as Diane Winkler
as Elizabeth Rice
as Walt Freeland
as Judge Weber McCraw
as Tara Bayliss
as Millie Anderson
as Gene Castle
as Debbie Johnson
as Bobbi Hopewell
as Celia
as TBI Spokesman
as Officer Parrish
as Jim Parrish, OBP
as Scott Bowden, OBP
as Chris Riley, FBI
as Jimmy
as Redneck
as Reporter
as Motel Clerk
as Female Reporter
as Male Reporter
as Jury Foreman
as Bank Teller