The infamous Don Juan Tenorio, a reckless and charming libertine, engages in various amorous exploits and challenges morality in his pursuit of pleasure and conquest. A wager between Don Juan and his rival Don Luis Mejía is established, laying the groundwork for a contest of seduction and moral defiance. "Don Juan Tenorio" by José Zorrilla is a dramatic play written in the mid-19th century, renowned as a classic of Spanish literature.
as Don Juan Tenorio
as Doña Inés
as Ciutti
as Don Luis Mejía
as Capitán Centellas
as Alguacil 2º
as Brígida
as Don Gonzalo de Ulloa
as Don Diego Tenorio
as Lucía
as La abadesa
as Tornera
as Avellaneda
as Alguacil 1º
as Gastón
as Doña Ana de Pantoja
as Escultor
as Buttarelli