A family film, based on a well-known Dutch story from the Middle Ages. Mariken tells the compelling and poetic story of spirited young girl named Mariken. The orphan Mariken lives in a secluded forest with an eccentric old hermit. One day, she decides to leave her surroundings and sets off for town to buy a new goat. On her adventurous journey into the 'real' world, she finds out about the good and bad sides of people.
as Mariken
as Archibald
as Gauckler Joachim "Teufel"
as Isabella
as Griet (Mutter vom "Teufel")
as Gräfin
as Dirk
as Monnk
as Gijs
as Mönch Willem
as Mönch in der Kirche
as Jäger
as Mann
as Geldwechsler
as Graf
as Schwarzen Witwe
as Rattenjan