Despite its stand-alone title, this mixture of martial arts and exploitation is a semi-sequel to Shaw Brothers's Flying Guillotine series. This time, the focus is Rong Qui-yan, a kung fu student turned dutiful wife whose life falls apart when her husband is murdered by a squad of government operatives led by the duplicitous Jin Gang-Feng. Qui-yan is forced to go into hiding as she plots her revenge and finds allies in fellow fugitive Ma Seng and ex-lover Wang-jun.
as Rong Qiu Yan / Bloody Hibiscus
as Wang Chun
as Ma Shen
as Jin Gang Feng
as Jin Ren Ting
as Biao
as Jin Shao Zhi
as Emperor
as Scholar Wan
as Official Han Tian De
as Tong Bei Hai
as Feng's assassin impersonating Hai
as Court official at book burning
as Jin Sheng Tan, executed bookstore boss
as Witness at execution (uncredited)
as Flying Gullotine's 1st victim
as Flying Guillotine at bamboo trees
as Flying Guillotine at bamboo trees
as Flying Guillotine
as Servant