In the city of Guelma, which was once called Heliopolis in ancient times, the daily life of an Algerian family takes its usual course. But on May 8, 1945, the day the end of World War II was announced, demonstrations by the Algerian people against the French colonial power and for the country's independence took place, which were bloodily suppressed by the French army and French settler militias. The event went down in history as the Sétif and Guelma massacre.
as Mokdad
as Mahfoud
as Nedjma
as Gervais
as Bachir
as Sedek
as Marcel Lavie
as Claude Roland
as Bertrand Roland
as Farhad Abass
as Smail
as Mabrouk
as Commandant Ballard
as Siridi
as Hamouda
as Achiary
as Josiane Roland
as Ahmed
as Boumaaza
as Jacques
as Aisha
as Al Abda
as Bensoussan
as Race Commentator
as Fatma
as Officer Kamel
as Kader
as Mayor
as Prefect
as Americain