Suspecting that the cecassion of the tides may indicate an impending earthquake, Seismologist Alice arrives in her hometown of Baie-Comeau, Quebec to commence her investigation. Soon confronted by numerous figures from her past, the unusual weather and inexplicable behavior of the citizens lead Alice to believe that something beyond her comprehension is occurring to her old hometown...
as Alice Bradley
as Catherine Rolland
as Marc Vandal
as Colette Lasalle
as Michel
as Simon Deslandes
as L'éditeur
as Hanspeter
as Hijikata
as Mori
as Yoko
as Réal
as Madame Guillet
as Soeur Berthe
as Bastien
as Kiyoshi
as Hiromi
as Le technicien d'aéroport
as Le superviseur sapeur
as Le golfeur
as Louis
as Monsieur le maire
as Gaston Lalonde
as Le mort
as Le pathologiste
as Monsieur Grondin
as La dame aux arbres
as L'institutrice
as Le contremaître
as Le curieux
as Le sauveteur
as Le garçon aux broches
as La policière
as Le policier
as L'accompagnatrice de la chorale
as Le journaliste télé
as Le caméraman télé
as La femme de Michel
as Le serveur
as Le serveur au bar
as Le prêtre
as Marie Vandal