Alaa lives and grows up in a forest in Africa, and before the death of his father, the ruler of the African country in which he and his son live recommends the necessity for Alaa to return to Egypt, and after his return Alaa finds it very difficult to adapt to the new situation in which he finds himself, until he finds a girl who teaches him to read And writing, and a love story arises between him and her.
as علاء
as حسنين
as سحر
as ضابط شرطة
as مجدي المحامي
as عطيات المناديلي
as أم سحر
as فهيمة المناديلي
as محفوظ
as فالح أفندي
as عامل المدبغة
as الطبيب نجيب أبو عطوة
as عبدالعظيم بيه
as إعتماد - زوجة نعيم
as سفير دولة سواليا
as كناريو
as صبحي - مدير البنك
as الطبيب النفسي
as عبدالشكور ضرغام
as جمعة السفرجي
as مخيمر الفولي - عامل المدبغة
as مطاوع - عامل المدبغة
as التمرجي
as سيدة أمام جبلاية القرود
as عامل بالمدبغة
as توفيق