In a small town, high-school dean Alana and her vivacious teenage daughter Samantha plan a holiday concert to save the school with the help of the new maintenance man, Army veteran Johnny, and his quiet son Max. But when a car accident lands Sam in a life-threatening condition, Alana turns to Johnny for support, and Max makes a desperate decision that will forever bond their families together. All four must question their values about sacrifice, family, and love - and what it means to be thankful for another Christmas.
as Johnny
as Dr. Knowles
as Alana D'Angelo
as Lucas
as Nick
as Iris
as Mr. Phillips
as Tasha
as Samantha
as Nurse Natalie
as Chloe
as Choir Member Lexi
as Duke
as Nurse Lydia
as Marcus
as Nurse Lydia
as Mrs. Masterson
as Coach Jones
as Melody
as Max
as Mr. Masterson
as Curtis
as Mr. Bensen
as Felix
as Choir Member Lisie
as Choir Member Tonya
as DJ Dazzle
as Choir Member Larry
as Choir Member Jasmine
as Cheerleader (uncredited)