Number One is a heart-warming musical family comedy that follows the story of Chow Chee Beng, a middle-aged white collar manager retrenched by his company. After many failed interviews, Chee Beng unwillingly takes a job as a manager at ‘Number One’, a popular drag club. Soon, Chee Beng is roped into dressing up to join the drag queens on stage. And to everyone’s surprise, Chee Beng is a natural drag queen and his performance wows the audiences!
as Chow Chee Beng
as Pearl
as Money
as Italy
as Tiny
as Fa Ge
as Unicorn
as Teo Chew Phoenix
as Marie
as Judy
as Mason
as Jocelyn
as Passer-by
as Military Police A
as Military Police B
as Vincent
as Priest