Drama set in Stockholm and Helsinki and a village whose existence is threatened by a power plant. A group of young people return to their roots and are disappointed by what they find.
as Tuomas
as Mikko
as Petteri
as Einari
as Riihelä
as Kalevi
as Leila
as Riitta
as Mikko's Mother
as Mikko's Father
as Erkki
as Risto
as 'Wiseman' at Restaurant
as Drunk at Restaurant
as Finnish Man in Stockholm (as Topi Tuomainen)
as Finnish Man in Stockholm
as Anna
as Rich girl
as Prostitute
as Cashier
as Petteri's Grandmother
as Petteri's Grandfather
as Rich Girl's Mother
as Rich Girl's Father
as Joker at Restaurant
as Tough Guy at Restaurant
as Bloke at Restaurant