Based on the true story of a Canadian soldier, enroute to World War I from Winnipeg, who adopts an orphaned bear cub at White River Ontario. It is namned Winnie (for Winnipeg) and eventually ends up at the London Zoo where it became the inspiration for A.A.Milne's Winnie The Pooh stories.
as Harry Colebourn
as Colonel Barrett
as Protheroe
as General Hallholland
as Corporal Randy Taylor
as Captain Elliot
as Sgt. Major Picard
as Timmy's Mother
as Mrs. McGuiness
as Nurse
as Macray
as Wallace
as Evans
as George
as Major Crawford
as Captain Osbourn
as Conductor
as Company Captain
as Father
as Dispatch Rider
as Muriel
as Tanner
as Cowboy Wrangler
as Timmy