In a Mockuocumentary format, led by the personage represented by Leonardo Sbaraglia, in 2499 the research is presented - carried out by scientists from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, whose exposition is in charge of Helmut Strasse, founder of the first school of Argentinology - about the remote existence of Argentina, an unknown country of great potential inexplicably disappeared from the face of the Earth.
as Voice Over
as Lord Homelander
as Dan Nenetko
as Hillary Clinton
as Arnaldo Chilavert
as Nito Stroessner
as Georgina de Ipanema
as Catherine Deneuve
as Tito Merello
as Mario Puzzo
as Neizinho
as Moria Lollobrígida
as Olivia Newton John
as Norman Borensztein
as Doménico Modugno
as Lezlibeth Pacheco
as General Kristopher Garmaz
as Celia Cruz
as Raffaella Carrà
as Danny De Vito
as Angel Clemente Rojas
as Amadeo Carrizo
as Golda Mier
as Boris Yeltsin
as Michelle Pfeiffer
as Evangelina Salazar
as G. Barros Schelotto
as Leo Dan
as Sole Bonilla de León
as Adrian Manuel Serrat
as Antonio Ubaldo Rattín
as J.B.
as Arturo Puig