A fur-trapper named Kelly, who once saved the life of a Sioux chief, is allowed to set his traps in Sioux territory during the late 1870s. Reluctantly he takes on a tenderfoot assistant named Anse and together they give shelter to a runaway Arapaho woman. Tensions develop when Anse falls in love with this woman and when the Sioux chief arrives with his warriors to re-claim her.
as Luther "Yellowstone" Kelly
as Anse Harper
as Gall, Sioux Chief
as Sayapi, Gall's Nephew
as Sergeant
as Major Towns
as Wahleeah, Sayapi's Arapaho Captive
as Lieutenant
as Corporal
as Reed - Burly Soldier (uncredited)
as Helmsman (uncredited)
as Drummer (uncredited)
as Captain of the Far West (uncredited)
as Medicine Man (uncredited)
as Trooper (uncredited)
as Trooper (uncredited)
as Bartender (uncredited)
as Indian (uncredited)
as Indian (uncredited)
as Indian (uncredited)
as Indian (uncredited)
as Indian (uncredited)
as Indian (uncredited)
as Indian (uncredited)
as Indian (uncredited)
as Indian (uncredited)
as Indian (uncredited)