Valley Inn tells the story of Emily Mason, a New Jersey college student, who finds herself in a dusty dying small southern town, a thousand miles from home, selling Christian books door-to-door. Through a series of misadventures in 'the Book field,' and her growing friendships with the endearing and often comical local residents, Emily begins to discover what is most valuable in life, at the Valley Inn. More than a movie, Valley Inn is a love-letter to small town America. A tribute to a quickly vanishing way of life. And above all, as all movies should, Valley Inn entertains and transports the audience. Just like Emily, audiences will fall in love with the Valley Inn, the small town setting and all its quirky characters.
as Althea
as Gary
as Penny Rivers
as June Summers
as Louise
as Lee Dickson
as Sheryl
as Travis Mills
as Snake Rivers
as April May June
as Church Member
as War Film Director
as TATC Leader
as Marlene
as War Film Actor
as Jimmy Dale, Jr.
as Louise