A murderer is using every possible trick in his efforts to escape from justice. He is extremely crafty in his ways of infiltrating the government. He becomes a politician with growing status and influence and an official immunity from prosecution.
as Aleksey Proshin
as Natasha Voronina
as Nikolay Avdeev - talantlivyy uchyonyy
as Pyotr Begunov - direktor instituta
as Leonid Polyakov - professor
as Fyodor Lednyov
as Sergey Glinskiy
as Antonov - zamestitel ministra
as Roman
as Mikhaylov
as Sotrudnitsa laboratorii Lednyova
as секретарь парткома
as Kostya
as Igor Solovyov
as Sekretarsha Begunova
as Gost na novogodney vecherinke
as Episodic role
as Sotrudnik laboratorii
as Episodic role
as Odnoklassnik Proshina
as Gostya na novogodney vecherinke
as Uchastnik soveshchaniya
as Gost na novogodney vecherinke
as Episodic role
as Episodic role
as Okeanolog
as Episodic role
as Episodic role
as Chlen partkoma
as Episodic role
as Gost na novogodney vecherinke
as Episodic role
as Episodic role
as Episodic role
as Gostya na novogodney vecherinke
as Episodic role
as Episodic role
as Episodic role
as Episodic role
as Uchastnik soveshchaniya
as Episodic role
as Episodic role
as Sotrudnik laboratorii
as Gostya na novogodney vecherinke
as Episode