A movie recap of the Space Runaway Ideon TV Series. Humanity's pursuit of knowledge leads them to the planet Solo, where they find mysterious remains of a long dead alien civilization, including the 3 part super robot 'Ideon', and a powerful warship. Using these, the Earthlings sent to investigate the ruins defend themselves in their constant conflicts against powerful aliens called the Buff Clan, who are in pursuit of 'Id', the mysterious energy that powers the Ideon.
as Harulu Ajiba
as Damido Pechi
as Bento Marasu
as Gije Zaral
as Hatari Naburu
as Doba Ajiba
as Gindoro Jinma, Zou Habel Gande
as Daram Zuba
as Deck Afta
as Tolorof
as Kilarul
as Moera Fatima
as Kosumo Yuki
as Joliver Ira
as Kasha Imhof
as Fard Maraka
as Joudan Besu
as Narrator
as Karala Ajiba
as Banda Lotta
as Lin Formosa
as Kitty Kitten
as Piper Lou, Sheryl Formosa