Ana and her two best friends, Maria and Paula, navigate life in their oppressive countryside village. Whilst their families struggle in the poppy fields harvesting opium, the girls try to grow alongside the creeping terror of their cartel oppressors.
as Ana (niña)
as Ana (adolescente)
as María (niña)
as María (adolescente)
as Paula (niña)
as Paula (adolescente)
as Rita
as Margarito (niño)
as Margarito (adolescente)
as Luz
as Profesor Leonardo
as Concha
as Maestro
as Elena
as Artemia
as Doctora
as Minero Joven
as Joel
as Josefina
as Hombre Narco 1
as Hombre Narco 2
as Zulma
as Soldado Joven