Strauss: Also Sprach Zarasthustra, Macbeth & Till Eulenspiegel

Strauss: Also Sprach Zarasthustra, Macbeth & Till Eulenspiegel


Andris Nelsons is one of the most sought-after young conductors on theinternational scene today. He is the Music Director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, starting from the 2014/2015 season and he worked with the mostimportant orchestras all over the world incl. Berliner Philharmoniker, WienerPhilharmoniker, Concertgebouw Orchestra, New York Philharmonic, PhilharmoniaOrchestra etc. He too is a regular guest at Covent Garden, the MET, WienerStaatsoper, Deutsche Staatsoper and Bayreuth Festival. The RCO is one of the best orchestras in the world. This programme includes Richard StraussĀ“ popular works Also sprach Zarathustraand Till Eulenspiegel.