A mysterious stranger presents a boy with a VCR that can "play" the past...and the future. How it affects the boy and his struggling middle-class family is the central story.
as Jim
as The Stranger
as Mrs. Leaver
as Mr. Winthrop
as Jim, 4 years old
as Mrs. Totteridge
as Mr. Arthur T. Bowen
as Dogs Home Attendant
as Wally
as Karen
as Bully's Mate
as Karen, 8 years old
as Mr. Totteridge
as Reporter / Photographer
as Tanya
as Young Girl
as Bully's Mate
as Policeman
as Reporter / Photographer
as Detective Potts
as Removal Man
as Marianne
as Micky Smethurst
as Bossy
as Bully
as Broadcaster Sadie Broad
as TV Crew Man
as Removal Man