First part that includes the beginnings of the French Revolution. The film begins by recounting the events that led to the convocation of the States General in 1789 and ends with the assault on the Tuileries Palace, which occurred on August 10, 1792.
as Danton
as Camille Desmoulins
as Lucile Desmoulins
as Marie Antoinette
as Louis XVI
as Robespierre
as Marat
as Charlotte Corday
as Bailly
as Gabrielle Danton
as Vicomte de Mirabeau
as Marquis de Lafayette
as Duchesse de Polignac
as Princesse de Lamballe
as Sanson
as Axel de Fersen
as Jacques Necker
as Hébert
as Fouquier-Tinville
as Vadier
as Goethe
as Abbé Maury
as Envoyé du Pape
as Saint-Just
as Billaut-Varenne
as Maurice Duplay
as Mme Duplessis
as Gouverneur de Launay
as Drouet
as Legendre
as Barere
as Parisienne affamée
as Louison Chabry
as Herman
as Antoine-Joseph Santerre