Uncle and his nephew are going to the capital to sell fruits and vegetables, selling a bag of "thyme" on the way that will reach someone else. When they realize it wasn’t thyme, that’s when the adventures begin.
as Müsabir
as İsmayıl
as Arzu
as Qafar
as Artist Kamil
as Tvzadeh müxbiri
as Məşədi
as Murad
as Ədalət
as Mirzəxan
as Şamil
as Famil
as Polis rəisi
as Tvzadeh müdiri
as Məzahir polis
as Özü (klarnet ifaçısı)
as İdmançı oğlan
as çayxana müdiri
as Gülarə
as çayçı
as Sənəm
as Məlahət
as Leyla
as kameo
as kameo
as kameo
as kameo
as əsəbi qonşu
as nənə
as Qafarın rəfiqəsi
as Muradın oğlu
as uşaq
as uşaq
as uşaq
as uşaq
as kənd sakini