While returning from a business trip to Hokkaido, Detective Kamei of the MPD greets a middle-aged traveler in the waiting room of Minami-Wakkanai Station but is ignored by him. On the limited express to Asahikawa, the same man happens to entrust Kamei with a floppy disk before dying. The floppy contains his investigative notes on a murder that happened two years ago...
as Inspector Totsugawa
as Kyoko Usami
as Akira Ogawa
as Yasuo Hirano
as Detective Hojo
as Detective Shimizu
as Detective Sasaki
as Ken Takada
as Isamu Arai
as Hitoshi Aoki
as Midori Aoki
as Detective Kusaka
as Detective Nishimoto
as Section Chief Honda
as Yuko Nakayama
as Yukari Sugimoto
as Policewoman Ikeda
as Conductor Saito
as President Ezaki
as Yoshitaro Ogawa
as Detective Kamei