In the late 19th century, a brutal land baron slaughters a Roma clan, unleashing a curse on his family and village. In the days that follow, the townspeople are plagued by nightmares, the baron's son goes missing, and a boy is found murdered. The locals suspect a wild animal, but a visiting pathologist warns of a more sinister presence lurking in the woods.
as John McBride
as Isabelle Laurent
as Seamus Laurent
as Anais
as Alfred Moliere
as Saul
as Mr. Griffin
as Charlotte Laurent
as Edward Laurent
as Timmy
as Anne-Marie
as Amy
as Joseph
as Young Girl
as Young Boy
as Sir John
as The Vicar
as Gypsy Woman
as John Adam
as Calum
as Dr. Marchall
as Old Edward Laurent
as Dr. Bernard
as Hospital Nurse
as Older Charlotte Laurent
as The Gypsy Blacksmith
as Captain
as Mercenary
as Barman
as Elder 3
as Elder 4
as Elder 5
as Nana Griffin
as McBride's Wife
as McBride's Child
as Village Blacksmith
as Mrs. Adam
as Beast / Scarecrow
as Beast