Lucky Stars Go Places, also known as The Luckiest Stars, is a 1986 Hong Kong action comedy film directed by Eric Tsang. It is the fourth film in the Lucky Stars series. It was an attempt to combine the original Lucky Stars troupe with the similar action comedy ensemble from the Aces Go Places series.
as Eric / Kidstuff / Fastbuck / Tse Koo Choy
as Chief Inspector Albert / Baldy
as Top Dog
as Lambo
as Fat Cat
as Long Legs
as Libbogen / Lib-Bogen
as Yum Yum
as Quito
as Superintendant Walter Tsao
as Sandy
as Rawhide
as Roundhead / Lo Han
as Pagoda / Ginseng
as Yukio Fushime
as Fushime's Translator
as Xiao Ke
as Sum
as Ping
as Inspector Wong, CID
as Police Special Force Commander