"Behind the Sun" clearly identifies the time identity of his film. It follows the horrific military defeat of June 1967, when a senior military commander insists on an investigation into the real causes of the defeat, leading to his assassination by the commander of the military prison , When the rebel military commander refuses to ignore his insistence on requesting this investigation, during the special visit by "Jaafari" commander of the military prison in order to convince him to do so, "Jaafari" can not escape from his assassination by firing bullets,
as Sohair سهير
as Al-Jaafari الجعفري
as Dr. Hossam د. حسام
as Hashem هاشم
as Al-Saul Abdul Haq الصول عبدالحق
as Zainab زينب
as Mansour منصور
as Essam عصام
as Youssef يوسف
as Walid وليد
as Ali علي - مدير مكتب هاشم بك
as military prison officer ضابط بالسجن الحربي
as Major General Hassan Salama اللواء حسّان سلامة
as أحد المعتقلين
as أحد المعتقلين
as Fifi فيفي
as طبيب المعتقل