Despite her blindness, the famous singer Sophie Martell, who lives in Venice, has remained a cheerful, optimistic woman. However, she does not look forward to much, as her agent David hired journalist Eike Blohm to write Sophie's biography. But soon the idiosyncratic woman falls in love with her sensitive biographers. David, however, is not at all thrilled with Sophie's love affair: he fears that this could expose his scams and embezzlement of Sophie's private assets.
as Sophie Martell
as Eike Blohm
as David Rauch
as Prof. Mac Cormick
as Carla Giuliano
as Jacob Meerbaum
as Rosanna
as Anna Giuliano
as Prof. Crespi
as Sergio Tulli
as Ute Dumitresco
as Lothar
as Portier
as Tadzio
as Giovanni
as Bruno