An ordinary young boy called Nikolas sets out on an extraordinary adventure into the snowy north in search of his father who is on a quest to discover the fabled village of the elves, Elfhelm. Taking with him a headstrong reindeer called Blitzen and a loyal pet mouse, Nikolas soon meets his destiny in this magical and endearing story that proves nothing is impossible…
as Nikolas
as Joel
as Miika (voice)
as Aunt Ruth
as Mother Vodol
as King
as Father Topo
as Aunt Carlotta
as Anders
as The Truth Pixie
as Little Noosh
as Hessu
as Some Elf
as Mother Harcus
as Big Hunter
as Little Kip
as Matt
as Mother Gerri
as Andrea
as Patrick
as Moppet
as Palace Courtier 1
as Palace Courtier 2
as Palace Courtier 4
as Weather Beaten Man
as Member of Crowd 1
as Member of Crowd 2
as Member of Crowd 3
as Dog Master
as Horseman
as Goose Lady
as Elf Guard Dibby
as Elf Guard Red Nosed
as Snow Sweeping Elf
as Elf (Announces raid)
as Moodon
as Elf Kid (Screams)
as Elf Girl
as Elf
as Elf
as Some Other Elf
as Tailor Elf