Set in Montreal during the disco phenomenon some 35 years ago, Funkytown follows the life of a group of colorful characters. We follow their lives and tribulations as everyone converges on a regular basis at Montreal's hot disco spot: Starlight. Along the way, several events take place that change these characters' lives. As these characters' lives unfold, the Parti Québécois takes power changing the cultural landscape in Quebec while the disco craze slowly fades. While we keep up with these various characters - it is Bastien who is a central part of this story. His drug addiction, dreams to become an actor and womanizing - make him the "bigger than life" typical 70s character around which the whole story revolves.
as Bastien Lavallée
as Tino DeiFiori
as Jonathan Aaronson
as Adriana
as Gilles Lefebvre
as Mimi
as Daniel Lefebvre
as Hélène
as Tina LoMonaco
as Nicole
as Connie Lavallée
as Cynthia Lavallée
as Carlo
as Jason
as Sabrina
as Jacques
as Kiki
as Lulu
as Micki
as Karen
as Mère de Tino
as Gospel singer Selma
as Prostitutée à l'hotel
as Coordonnatrice Disco Danse Party
as Régisseur Disco Danse Party
as Femme entourage Jonathan
as Caissière magasin à rayons
as Gardien de sécurité
as Femme de ménage
as Jeune homme
as Fan de Mimi #1
as Fan de Mimi #2
as Fan de Mimi #3
as Animateur de radio
as Valet d'hôtel
as Fille blonde à la piscine
as Billy le serveur
as Homme devant le Starlight #2
as Femme devant le Starlight #4
as Femme journaliste
as Paparazzi insistant
as Admiratice de Bastien
as Portier du Starlight
as Responsable sécurité Starlight
as Belle femme section VIP #1
as Belle femme section VIP #2
as Big shot de NY
as Barman / serveur Starlight
as Fan de Mick Jagger
as Portier du Closet
as Homme, toilette Closet #1
as Homme, toilette Closet #2
as Serveuse diner
as Coiffure Disco Dance Party
as Émilie Simon, designer