In April of 1945, Germany stands at the brink of defeat with the Russian Army closing in from the east and the Allied Expeditionary Force attacking from the west. In Berlin, capital of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler proclaims that Germany will still achieve victory and orders his generals and advisers to fight to the last man. When the end finally does come, and Hitler lies dead by his own hand, what is left of his military must find a way to end the killing that is the Battle of Berlin, and lay down their arms in surrender.
as Adolf Hitler
as Traudl Junge
as Magda Goebbels
as Joseph Goebbels
as Eva Braun
as Albert Speer
as Prof. Dr. Ernst-Günter Schenck
as SS-Gruppenführer Hermann Fegelein
as Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler
as Gerda Christian
as General der Infanterie Hans Krebs
as General der Infanterie Wilhelm Burgdorf
as General der Artillerie Helmuth Weidling
as SS-Brigadeführer Wilhelm Mohnke
as Generaloberst Alfred Jodl
as SS-Hauptsturmführer Otto Günsche
as Kammerdiener Heinz Linge
as Martin Bormann
as Peter Kranz
as Prof. Dr. Werner Haase
as Walter Hewel
as Feldwebel Tornow
as Feldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel
as Frl. Constanze Manziarly
as Rochus Misch
as Hanna Reitsch
as Ritter Robert von Greim
as Dorothee Kranz
as Wilhelm Kranz
as Dr. Stumpfegger
as Erich Kempka
as Obersturmbannführer Stehr
as Reichsarzt SS Grawitz
as Panzerkommandant
as Schwester Erna
as H. Fritzche
as Schadle
as SS-Soldat 1
as Soldat 2
as Hermann Göring
as Oberst Clausen
as Standesbeamter Wagner
as Oberleutnant
as Hanna Potrowski
as SA-Mann / Ruinenkeller
as Margarete Lorenz
as Älterer Soldat
as Verwundeter Soldat
as Russische Arzthelferin
as Russische Ärztin
as SS-Mann Greifkommando
as Baur
as Dolmetscher
as Rothaarige Frau
as Offizier 1
as Obergruppenführer Tellermann
as Maschinist Hentschel
as Russischer Adjutant
as Wachsoldat vor der Wolfsschanze (uncredited)
as Mohnke's Adjutant im Bunker (uncredited)
as Soldat im Ruinenkeller
as Staryy Tsivilist
as Russischer Soldat