Concert master Karel Mašek is a drunk, as well as engineer Danda and other regular guests of the pub U Kroců. Mašek returns from the pub in the morning and promises the woman that he will stop drinking. But he failed again, and the orchestra players refuse to play with him. Danda returns home without a bag and goes to Krocs again in the morning, even though he has an important job at work. He has been degraded to subordinate job position, but he refused to admit it at home.
as inženýr Jindřich Danda
as houslista Karel Mašek
as Božka, Maškova žena
as překupník Rendl
as vinárník Kroc
as Dandova žena Berta
as Jiřina, dcera Dandových
as Jaroslav, Jiřinin snoubenec
as Láďa, syn Dandových
as starožitník
as Magda Řeháková, dcera starožitníka
as podivín Taupe, bývalý továrník
as holič A. Zemánek
as doktor Ventura
as Monti, zahraniční zákazník
as dirigent Bohumil Petržílka
as ředitel
as zákaznice ve starožitnictví
as manžel zákaznice ve starožitnictví
as návštěvnice vinárny
as návštěvník vinárny
as návštěvník vinárny
as přítel manželů Venturových
as příslušník SNB
as pacient protialkoholické léčebny
as svačinář v úřadě
as železničář na ulici
as kupec Dandova domu
as Maškův kolega z orchestru
as tlumočnice
as host ve vinárně
as prodavačka
as žena ve vinárně
as Venturova žena
as tajemník Fiala