An unlikely friendship kindles between a struggling stand-up comedian from L.A. — forced to move back home to Eastern Long Island with his tail between his legs — and a tragically flawed, but charming and charismatic, alcoholic dermatologist. Discovering to be kindred spirits, each helps the other find healing, in addition to the confidence to face the "failures" in their lives.
as Marty
as Scott
as Megan
as Becky
as Owen
as Ruis
as Gary Rollins
as Jeanie Rollins
as Adam
as Taylor
as Murph
as Xavier
as Aaron
as Sonjay
as Becca
as Bray
as Clyde
as Rose
as Nana Marie
as Tony
as Tonya
as Vanessa
as Tommy
as Jerry
as Glenn
as Comedy Fan #1
as Comedy Fan #2
as Mailman
as Officer
as Rabbi
as Will Jr.
as Jason
as Valet Parker