This historical drama with music examines the life and times of Émile Nelligan, one of the major Canadian poets of the 19th century who struggled through a difficult childhood with the help of his loving mother, only to see his career cut short by tragic circumstances.
as Émile Nelligan (jeune)
as Émile Nelligan
as Émilie Nelligan
as David Nelligan
as Père Seers
as Arthur de Bussières
as Idola St-Jean
as Robertine Barry
as Mme St-Jean
as Eva Nelligan
as Charles Gill
as Joseph Melançon
as Jean Charbonneau
as Gonzalgue Deslauriers
as Albert Ferland
as M. Fréchette
as Mère supérieure
as Archevêque
as Ernest Martel
as Le passant
as Enfant (cathédrale)
as Chanteuse chez Barry