Huckleberry Finn, a rambunctious boy adventurer chafing under the bonds of civilization, escapes his humdrum world and his selfish, plotting father by sailing a raft down the Mississippi River.
as Huckleberry Finn
as Jim
as The 'King'
as The 'Duke'
as Mary Jane
as Susan
as Capt. Brandy
as Widow Douglass
as 'Pap' Finn
as Miss Watson
as Sheriff at Jail (uncredited)
as River Queen Pilot (uncredited)
as Tad (uncredited)
as First Riverboat Captain (uncredited)
as Man at the Show (uncredited)
as Mr. Rucker (uncredited)
as Mrs. Shackleford (uncredited)
as Man Stealing Watermelon (uncredited)
as Old Jailer (uncredited)
as Annie Rucker (uncredited)
as Wilkes' Black Butler (uncredited)
as River Queen Engineer (uncredited)
as Judge Logan at Jim's Trial (uncredited)
as Mr. Barklett the Lawyer (uncredited)
as First Riverboat Pilot (uncredited)
as School Girl (uncredited)
as Miss Bartlett (uncredited)
as Woman Wanting Needle Threaded (uncredited)
as Deputy (uncredited)
as Harry (uncredited)
as Sam (uncredited)
as Mr. Shackleford (uncredited)
as Eliot (uncredited)
as Joe (uncredited)
as Ben Donaldson (uncredited)