Mumbai-based Nandkumar Sharma is a high-priced hit-man. He is paid a princely 1.5 Crore Rupees to injure Anna Mhatre, so that the later can get enough 'sympathy' votes to get him elected as the next Chief Minister, but ends up killing him. On the run from the Police, he ends up assuming the guise of Hoshiyarpur's Puran Singh, who has been away from home for the last 18 years, and does succeed in fooling Puran's joint family. But his hopes for settling there appear to be in vain with the arrival of a CBI Team, led by Inspector Mahendra Kumar Rane - who is determined to expose and arrest Nandkumar at any and all costs.
as Nandkumar 'Nandu' Sharma / Puran Singh
as Preet Kaur
as Kripal Singh
as Anna Mhatre
as Advocate Parminder 'Pammi' Singh
as Balli
as CBI Inspector Mahendra Kumar Rane
as Savte
as Joshi
as Chaudhary
as Amrik Singh Nasa
as Nandini
as Kulkarni (CBI officer)
as Guru
as Police Inspector
as Puran Singh
as Shekhar
as Jeet Kaur