Title Match Network will be holding its fifth Ladies Night Out event this Saturday. Ladies Night Out is a recurring all-women show that began last February. Due to its success, TMN decided to run three more editions in 2018 alone. Now entering the new year, they will be running Ladies Night Out 5, running out of Booker T’s Reality of Wrestling (ROW)‘s World Gym Arena. In January, ROW collaborated with RISE Wrestling to create the excellent ROW on the RISE show, which showed many homegrown ROW talents against RISE stars. Seven exciting matchups are on the card for Ladies Night Out 5. It’s available to stream live on the Title Match Network, where you can watch all preceding Ladies Night Out events, as well as many others, with a 2 week free trial.
as Scarlett Bordeaux
as Ivelisse
as Barbi Hayden
as Allie Recks
as Kiera Hogan
as Rok-C
as Hyan
as Ivory Robyn
as Miranda Alize
as Christi Jaynes
as Rockelle Vaughn
as Taya Valkyrie
as Thunder Rosa
as Leva Bates
as Angelina Love
as Jazz
as Commentary
as Commentary