In the storm is a Mexican film of the year 1980 directed by Fernando Vallejo. The film is about the time of La Violencia in Colombia. Vallejo wanted to make the film in Colombia, however he found numerous obstacles to film it in the country so he decided to do it in Mexico with Mexican actors and recreating the Colombian landscapes in that country.
as Don Bernardo Echeverri
as Doña Toña
as Pasajero
as Pasajera conservadora
as Anita Palacio
as Jacinto Cruz Usma, sangrenegra
as Pasajero conservador
as Secuaz de sangrenegra
as Don Martín Vázquez
as Pedro Rubiano (el pajarito)
as Secuaz de sangrenegra
as Sacerdote
as Secuaz de sangrenegra
as Doctor Navarro
as Miembro tribunal justicia
as Pasajera anciana