Stone Cold Steve Austin battles Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship with Mike Tyson as special guest enforcer. The Undertaker battles Kane. The Rock defends the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Ken Shamrock. Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie face The New Age Outlaws for the WWE World Tag Team Championship in a Dumpster Match and more!
as Shawn Michaels
as Stone Cold Steve Austin
as Mike Tyson (Ringside Enforcer)
as The Undertaker
as Kane
as "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn
as The Road Dogg
as Cactus Jack
as Chainsaw Charlie
as Rocky Maivia
as Ken Shamrock
as Triple H
as "The Black Hart" Owen Hart
as TAFKA Goldust
as Luna Vachon
as "Marvelous" Marc Mero
as Sable
as TAKA Michinoku
as Aguila
as Road Warrior Hawk
as Road Warrior Animal
as "Bodacious" Bart Gunn
as "Bombastic" Bob Holly
as Savio Vega
as Miguel
as Jose
as Jesús
as Sniper
as Recon
as Chainz
as Bradshaw
as Mark Henry
as D'Lo Brown
as Faarooq
as Kama Mustafa
as Quebecer Jacques
as Quebecer Pierre
as Ricky Morton
as Robert Gibson
as Headbanger Thrasher
as Headbanger Mosh
as Brian Christopher
as Scott Taylor
as 8-Ball
as Skull
as "The Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman
as Flash Funk
as Henry O. Godwinn
as Phineas I. Godwinn
as Sunny (Manager)
as James E. Cornette (Manager)
as Pete Rose (Ring Announcer)
as Chyna (Ringside)
as Paul Bearer (Manager)
as Sgt. Slaughter (WWE Commissioner)
as Herself (Ring Announcer)
as "Double J" Jeff Jarrett (Appearance)
as Tennessee Lee (Appearance)
as Kurrgan (Appearance)
as The Jackyl (Appearance)