In war-torn Japan, the Tokugawa Shogun, desperate to restore peace to his people, orders the assassination of the hostile warlords. A beautiful young woman is raised from birth with nine other orphans, to become an assassin. Her name is Azumi, the ultimate assassin.
as Azumi
as Hyuga
as Ukiha
as Amagi
as Nagara
as Yura
as Awa
as Hiei
as Komoru
as Nachi
as Bijomaru Mogami
as Yae
as Saru
as Nagato
as Isshin Sajiki
as Nisai Sajiki
as Sajiki brother #2
as Mother being attacked
as Nagamasa Asano
as Tenkai Nankôbô
as Inoue, Kanbe'e
as Kiyomasa Katô
as Gessai Obata
as Bandit
as Nagamasa's Servant
as Samurai Guard
as Young Hyuga
as Gessai's Son
as Head Bandit
as Bandit
as Samurai Guard
as Samurai Guard
as Steet Acrobat
as Bandit
as Young Azuma
as Samurai Guard
as Head Bandit
as Azumi's Mother
as Nagamasa's Servant
as Bandit (uncredited)