The story takes place in a small town (called Hakkari) in Turkey at the beginning of the 70's. The time has come to bring technology into that small town. The first Television (or called Visiontele by the citizens) arrives and the chaos begins.
as Deli Emin
as Siti Ana
as Başkan Nazmi
as Fikri
as Latif
as Sezgin
as Gülizar
as Casim
as Basri
as Şeyhmus
as Reyhan
as Rıfat
as Asiye
as Nazif
as Engin
as Veli
as Ahmet
as Zerrin
as Gülşen
as Mela Hüseyin
as Tekin
as İsmihal
as Cevat
as Ezo
as İso
as Simo
as Nevin
as 2. Devrimci
as Küçük Yakup
as Keko
as Leman