The story of Heidi Fleiss, known as "The Hollywood Madam", who was the daughter of a prominent Los Angeles doctor and eventually became a prostitute for a well-known Los Angeles madam. She took over her boss' operation and soon was raking in $300,000 a month by hiring only the most beautiful and highest-class hookers and catering to wealthy Hollywood types, European and American corporate executives and Arab sheiks. Her operation was broken up by Los Angeles police in 1993, and she eventually went to prison for income-tax evasion.
as Heidi Fleiss (as Jamie-Lynn DiScala)
as Dr. Paul Fleiss
as Lauren
as Sgt. Willeford
as Charisse
as Police Chief
as Steve
as Madame Alex
as Ivan Nagy
as Prince Hassan
as Hispanic Maid
as Reporter #2
as Tracey
as Young Amy
as Jon
as Debra
as Jason
as Elissa Fleiss
as Andrea
as Mendel
as Tina
as Michelle
as Detective Sammy Lee
as Sarah
as Glenn Feather
as Call Girl
as Call Girl
as Prison Inmate
as Security Brunette
as Receptionist
as Receptionist
as Heidi's Lawyer